sobota, 22. november 2014

Lala Berlin for Catrice - Ruby Red

Našla sem gaaa! NAŠLA sem gaa!! Juuhuuuu. Se še strinjaš,da je rdeči lak za nohte must have vsakega dekleta? Se še spomniš, da sem v prejšnjih objavah omenjala kako težko je dobiti super prektiven svetlo rdeč lak s popolnim odtenkom, ki bo poleg obstojnosti imel še super krtačko. Drage moje, predstavljam vam najnovejši odtenek iz Catrice kolekcije, kjer so s pomočjo modne hiše Lala Berlin ustvarili 5 lakov za nohte, med drugim tudi Lala Berlin - Ruby Red, ki je utekočinjena popolnost!

I wound it! I FOUND it! Yaaaayyyy. Do you agree that perfect red nail polish is on every girl's must have list? Do you remember that I wrote about red polishes and complain how hard is to find the perfect one (perfect shade, perfect coverage, chip-resistance and perfect brush). Dear ladies, I would like to present you the newest shade from Catrice featuring Lala Berlin collection. They made 5 polishes, one of them is Lala Berlin - Ruby Red, which is liquid perfection.

Na prvi pogled sem se zaljubila v ta odtenek! Moram pa reči, da sem pričakovala to "smotano krtačko", ki jo Catricevi laki pač imajo. Ampak me zaradi malce gostejše konsistence samega laka sploh ni motila, saj je lak zapolnil tiste praznine med štrlečimi ščetincami, ki popoln nanos tako otežujejo.

I fell in LOVE with this polish on at first sight. I have to admit, that I expected this tricky brush, that Catrice's polishes have. But this polish has a bit thicker consistency, so it fills the brush nicely, and it's easier to apply. 

Si že sprobala to kolekcijo? Ti je kakšen lak še posebaj pri srcu, tako kot je meni ta?
Have you already tried this collection? Do you like it?

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