Ste že videle najnovjšo kolekcijo Essence Good Girl Bad Girl? Se mi zdi da smo vse "obsedenke" z laki prišle na račun. Na voljo nam je kar 8 različnih lakov. Od tega sta 2 nadlaka, ostalih 6 pa imajo vsak drugačen finiš. Sliši se zanimivo kajne?
Have you seen Essence's new collection Good Girl Bad Girl? I think, it's finally something for us, polisholics. You can buy 8 polishes, 2 of them are Special effect Top coats, and others are regular ones with special finishes.
01 Hello sweetheart (je srebrno-lila odtenek z mettalic finišem. Tega bom še sigurno kupila in ga testirala z šabloncami in vzorčki / It's a silverish violet shade with metallic finish - I will definitely buy this one and test it for the stamping technique)
02 Good girls wear peach ( oranžen odtenek s sugar pearl finišem/ orange shade with sugar pearl finish)
03 Who am I? (To je odtenek, ki sem ga kupila, več o njem v nadaljevanju / This is the shade that I bought, keep reading and I will tell you more about it)
04 Caught in the middle ( črn odtenek z bleščicami in usnjenim finišem / glittery black shade with leather finish)
05 It wasn't me ( vijoličen odtenek z bleščicami / purple shade with glitters)
06 Once I was an angel (roza odtenek z "kačjim finišem" / pink shade with snake finish)
Vsi izmed naštetih se mi zdijo res nekaj posebnega. Ampak sama imam že ogrooomnooo lakov, zato mislim, da mi vsi ne bodo prišli v poštev. Včeraj, ko sem zagledala to novo kolekcijo, sem naprej kupila 03 Who am I?, ki je lak z porcelanastim finišem. Resnično ne bi znala opisati kaj to pomeni, ampak se bom potrudila. Lak ima belo bazo z roza odsevom (nekako bisernat) ampak na koncu se posuši v pol-mat finiš. Sliši se zakomplicirano kajne? No, za boljšo predstavo vam prilagam spodnje slike.
All of them seems really special for me. But because I already have too many nail polishes I decided to buy only 03 Who Am I? with porcelain finish, first. Porcelain finish?- I nearly had no idea what that really means so I decided to give it a shot. I will do my best to describe this shade, but I recommend you to see the pictures down below. It's white base polish with rose reflection (it reminds me on pearls - I don't know why), but finish at the end is half matte. Does it make sense? :)
Če si želiš lak, z resnično posebnim finišem potem vsekakor priporočam nakup tega lepotca. Ti je všeč?
If you want nail polish, with really unique finish, then i recommend you buying this one. Do you like it?

Have you seen Essence's new collection Good Girl Bad Girl? I think, it's finally something for us, polisholics. You can buy 8 polishes, 2 of them are Special effect Top coats, and others are regular ones with special finishes.
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02 Good girls wear peach ( oranžen odtenek s sugar pearl finišem/ orange shade with sugar pearl finish)
03 Who am I? (To je odtenek, ki sem ga kupila, več o njem v nadaljevanju / This is the shade that I bought, keep reading and I will tell you more about it)
04 Caught in the middle ( črn odtenek z bleščicami in usnjenim finišem / glittery black shade with leather finish)
05 It wasn't me ( vijoličen odtenek z bleščicami / purple shade with glitters)
06 Once I was an angel (roza odtenek z "kačjim finišem" / pink shade with snake finish)
Vsi izmed naštetih se mi zdijo res nekaj posebnega. Ampak sama imam že ogrooomnooo lakov, zato mislim, da mi vsi ne bodo prišli v poštev. Včeraj, ko sem zagledala to novo kolekcijo, sem naprej kupila 03 Who am I?, ki je lak z porcelanastim finišem. Resnično ne bi znala opisati kaj to pomeni, ampak se bom potrudila. Lak ima belo bazo z roza odsevom (nekako bisernat) ampak na koncu se posuši v pol-mat finiš. Sliši se zakomplicirano kajne? No, za boljšo predstavo vam prilagam spodnje slike.
All of them seems really special for me. But because I already have too many nail polishes I decided to buy only 03 Who Am I? with porcelain finish, first. Porcelain finish?- I nearly had no idea what that really means so I decided to give it a shot. I will do my best to describe this shade, but I recommend you to see the pictures down below. It's white base polish with rose reflection (it reminds me on pearls - I don't know why), but finish at the end is half matte. Does it make sense? :)
Če si želiš lak, z resnično posebnim finišem potem vsekakor priporočam nakup tega lepotca. Ti je všeč?
If you want nail polish, with really unique finish, then i recommend you buying this one. Do you like it?
Waau, tale kolekcija res zmaga z lakci!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa prav res. Sama sicer ne maram hrapavega občutka na nohtih, saj imam potem občutek da se mi vse zatika za obleke. Zato sem kupila le porcelain in metallic finish :) ampak tudi ostali odtenki se mi zdijo lepi!