Danes vas bom naučila mini trik, kako na lahek način ustvariti večbarvne vzorce na vaših nohtih, da bodo ti izgledali fantastično.
Today, I'm going to teach you an easy trick for your nails, to look excellent.
1. Izberi nekaj najljubših lakov za nohte.
Choose a couple of yours favorite polishes.
2. Izberi vzorček, ki ga želiš imeti na svojih nohtih. Jaz sem izbrala Pueen 49
Choose your stamping pattern. I chose Pueen 49.
3. Pobarvaj vse nohte z eno barvo.
Paint your nails with any color you want.
4. Vtisni prej izbrani vzorček na štampiljko.
Stamp your design on the stamper.
5. Nato vzorec pobarvaj z večimi barvami, s pomočjo mini čopička.
Then paint this pattern with different colors, by using a small brush.
6. Čez vzorec nanesi nadlak in počakaj, da se popolnoma posuši!!!!
Apply Top coat and wait it to completely dry!!!!
7. Na noht nanesi nadlak, s pinceto odstrani vzorec iz štampiljke in jo prenesi na noht.
Apply Top coat on your nails, get the design off the stamper, and put it on the nail.
8. Okoli nohta odvečen vzorček pobriši z acetonom in večjim čopičem ali bombažno palčko.
Then just clean the excess polish around your nails with Q-tip or brush.
9. Čez noht še enkrat nanesi nadlak in si že končala :)
Apply Top Coat and that's it :)
Lahko, kajne?
Easy, isn't it?
P.S. Čez mezinec sem nanesla Essence - 24 Party Never Ends.
P.S. Over the Pinky I applied Essence - 24 Party Never Ends.
Če želiš, lahko deliš svoje preizkuse in kreacije na moji uradni FB strani: Sarah Polisholic
If you want, you can share your creations on my official FB page: Sarah Polisholic

Today, I'm going to teach you an easy trick for your nails, to look excellent.
1. Izberi nekaj najljubših lakov za nohte.
Choose a couple of yours favorite polishes.
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Depend Metallic 4044, Bourjois Blue On Blues, Flormar Pretty P18, Essence Stamp Me! Black |
2. Izberi vzorček, ki ga želiš imeti na svojih nohtih. Jaz sem izbrala Pueen 49
Choose your stamping pattern. I chose Pueen 49.
3. Pobarvaj vse nohte z eno barvo.
Paint your nails with any color you want.
4. Vtisni prej izbrani vzorček na štampiljko.
Stamp your design on the stamper.
5. Nato vzorec pobarvaj z večimi barvami, s pomočjo mini čopička.
Then paint this pattern with different colors, by using a small brush.
6. Čez vzorec nanesi nadlak in počakaj, da se popolnoma posuši!!!!
Apply Top coat and wait it to completely dry!!!!
7. Na noht nanesi nadlak, s pinceto odstrani vzorec iz štampiljke in jo prenesi na noht.
Apply Top coat on your nails, get the design off the stamper, and put it on the nail.
8. Okoli nohta odvečen vzorček pobriši z acetonom in večjim čopičem ali bombažno palčko.
Then just clean the excess polish around your nails with Q-tip or brush.
9. Čez noht še enkrat nanesi nadlak in si že končala :)
Apply Top Coat and that's it :)
Lahko, kajne?
Easy, isn't it?
P.S. Čez mezinec sem nanesla Essence - 24 Party Never Ends.
P.S. Over the Pinky I applied Essence - 24 Party Never Ends.
Če želiš, lahko deliš svoje preizkuse in kreacije na moji uradni FB strani: Sarah Polisholic
If you want, you can share your creations on my official FB page: Sarah Polisholic
Ful hudo lepo:) všečkam:)
OdgovoriIzbrišihvala :)
IzbrišiYou make this looks so easy! Hihi. I'll definitely try doing it again.
Actually it's pretty easy. Just don't put too thick layers of your base polish, because it will look ugly at the end. Maybe it would be even better to only paint your nails with base coat, before you put your pattern on :)