četrtek, 21. avgust 2014

Today's Goodies Review


Današnji dan je prav poseben! Ne le zato, ker sem bila v mini šopingu, ampak tudi zato, ker bo z današnjim dnem moje objavice možno spremljati tudi v angleščini. [Prevodi ne bodo dobesedni, bodo pa pregledni za vse bralke ;)]

Today's day is kind of special. Not only that I've been in mini-shopping, but also from now on you can read my posts in English. 
Beautiful pinkIe scarf as a background

 Ker je tako čudno vreme sem se odločila malce razvajati. Zakaj pa ne? S prijateljem sva obiskala Supernovo, kjer sem obvezno zavila v Flormar in Müller. V Flormaru so me tokrat očarali 3 odtenki: Flormar Supershine 05 v čudovitem roza fuksija odtenku z drobnimi komaj opaznimi modrimi bleščicami, ki spominjajo na diamantni prah in dodajo čudovit pod kotom moder podton in shimmer finiš, Flormar 391 v sivem odtenku z glimmer finišem - večje srebne bleščice, ki dajo srebrn podton in tak je tudi finiš, ter Flormar pretty P29, ki je temno zelene barve skoraj črne s turkiznimi bleščicami in da modro-zelenkast finiš. Čudovit je!
Skupna cena je bila 5,98€, saj pri njih trenutno poteka akcija 2+1 gratis.

The Weather in Slovenija is awful this summer, so I decided that the best way to spend my day  is going to the mall. So me and my friend went to Supernova (Ljubljana - Rudnik) in Flormar and Müller. In Flormar, I was impressed by 3 nail polish shades: Flormar Supershine 05 in lovely fuchsia pink shade with little blue sparkles inside that resembles diamond dust - shimmer finish, Flormar 391 in grey shade with glimmer finish - bigger silver sparkles with silver under shade, and Flormar pretty P29 which is beautiful greenish shade, almost black, with turquoise sparkles and gives bluish green finish. I absolutely love it. The price was 5,98€, because they are having discount 2+1 gratis right now. 
Swatches for Flormar Supershine 05, Flormar 391, Essence 102 Sparkling water lily

Po Flormarju je seveda sledil še Müller, kjer se nisem mogla upreti 2 lakcema: Catrice 50 Glitterazzi, ki je v resnici nadlak z efektom in izgleda prozorne barve s koščki folije različnih velikosti, ki pod kotom spreminjajo barvo. Izgleda fantastično. Poleg tega pa sem si kupila še Essence 102 Sparkling water lily lak, ki je prosojno bele barve z roza modrim shimmrom.

After Flormar, we went in Müller, where I couldn't resist 2 nail polishes: Catrice 50 Glitterazzi, which is translucent effect top coat with pieces of special ChromaFlair foil in different shapes and colors. It looks fantastic. I also bought Essence 102 Sparkling water lily polish, which is transparent white shade with bluish pink shimmer. 
Swatches for Flormar pretty P29 and Catrice 50 Glitterazzi Effect top coat on random polish
Na Catricevem razdelku me je popolno očarala šminka Ultimate Shine 200 Get The Nudes Paper!, ki je roza, oranžkaste nude barve z mini bleščicami, odličnega vonja in nemastnega občutka na ustnicah. Za konec pa sem si še kupila paketek 10 elastik, ki spominjajo na Invisibobble, za zgolj 2,99€. Po kvaliteti se mi ne zdijo nič slabše, saj držijo enako dobro, morda celo boljše kot original.

I was stunned by Catrice's lipstick Ultimate Shine 200 Get The Nudes Paper! in nude - orangish pink color with little sparkles inside. It smells really nice and the texture is not too greasy. Last but not least I bought a pack of 10 hair rings, which resembles Invisibobble, but costs only 2,99€. I tested it today and I think they aren't any worse from original, maybe even better.

Catrice Ultimate Shine: 200 Get The Nudes Paper!
To je to iz današnjega šopinga, se slišiva spet kmalu,

That's it from today's shopping, cya soon ;)

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